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R.E.S.T.O.R.E Program


Resilience: We aim to empower survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to build resilience and reclaim their lives. 


Empowerment: Our goal is to empower survivors with the necessary resources, support, and knowledge to make informed decisions for their well-being. 


Safety: We prioritize creating a safe and secure environment for survivors, ensuring they have the space to heal and recover. 


Transformation: Our organization is committed to facilitating positive transformations in the lives of survivors, fostering growth and healing.


Opportunity: We strive to provide opportunities for survivors to access education, employment, and other essential resources for a brighter future. 


Recovery: We believe in supporting survivors on their journey of recovery, both physically and emotionally. 


Education: We emphasize the importance of education and awareness in preventing domestic violence and sexual assault in the community. 


"R.E.S.T.O.R.E" is a 6-month comprehensive program designed to provide survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault with the tools, resources, and support they need to heal, rebuild their lives, and reclaim their sense of empowerment. The program aims to address survivors’ after experiencing relationship trauma and guide them toward a journey of transformation and growth. 


Month 1: Orientation and Personalized Goal Setting 

Month 2: Mental Health and Well-being 

Month 3: Building Healthy Relationships and Consent

Month 4: Understanding Power and Control Dynamics 

Month 5: Emotional Intelligence and Assertiveness 

Month 6: Empowering through Financial Literacy 


Graduation Ceremony: Cultivating Resilience and Celebrating Growth 


We believe in empowering survivors to lead lives of purpose and strength. We strive to create a safe space for survivors to heal, build resilience, and reclaim their sense of empowerment. We are committed to providing the necessary resources and support for survivors on their journey of recovery and transformation. Through our R.E.S.T.O.R.E program, we hope they may continue to take strides toward a brighter future.


Together, we can create a world where survivors are empowered and respected. Let's build a world that puts an end to domestic violence and sexual assault.

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