Who We Serve
Women of Color
Black, Asian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic,
Latina, & American Indian, Alaska Native
Women of color is a phrase used to describe female people of color. The political term “women of color” surfaced in the violence against women movement in the late seventies to unify all women experiencing multiple layers of marginalization with race and ethnicity as a common issue.
Male sexual assault is a serious public health issue that is mostly under-reported and unrecognized.
Sexual assault can happen to anyone, no matter your age, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Men and boys who have been sexually assaulted or abused may have many of the same feelings and reactions as other survivors of sexual assault, but they may also face some additional challenges because of social attitudes and stereotypes about men and masculinity.
People with Disabilities
Physical, Intellectual or Learning, Psychiatric, Visual impairments, Hearing impairments, & Neurological
Sexual assault and abuse of people with disabilities often goes unreported. If you or someone you care about has a disability and has been sexually assaulted or abused, the most important thing to know is that it is never the victim’s fault. Help and support are available.